The wooden walls - building with wood

The wooden walls

Frame construction or solid timber walls? Let our qualified staff advise you to find the right wall system for your timber house.

Timber frame construction

As the name suggests, the static structure is based on a timber frame with head and foot sills and vertical timber uprights. To ensure stiffening, this timber frame is planked on at least one side with a stiffening board and firmly connected to the load-bearing timber frame. The resulting cavities are filled with insulating material. As a matter of principle, we try to use wood fiber insulation materials that are 100% renewable. Natural insulating materials also provide the best protection against the summer heat.

The advantages:

  • Lower costs thanks to relatively low wood content
  • High thermal insulation despite reduced wall thickness
  • Lightweight and fast construction, ideal for extensions

Solid timber construction with BSP (X-LAM)

This system is based on cross-laminated wooden panels and was developed by sawmills in 1990 to add value to simple wooden boards. Südtirolhaus was one of the first companies in South Tyrol to use this construction method.

The advantages:

  • Solid wood wall
  • Versatile application options for statically challenging building structures with large openings or free cantilevers
  • Simple static calculation of the elements
  • Increased use in multi-storey buildings

Exterior and interior cladding

From plastered walls with colored plaster to a wide variety of claddings made of wood, composite panels, sheet metal or stone, we leave nothing to be desired.
Inside the building, a facing shell is created for the building services installations. This allows flexible decisions regarding the positioning of sockets, light outlets, etc. right up to the last possible moment.

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